2024 Trump Presidency: What Will Happen — Or Not Happen
We still have a three-pronged system of government.
Trump the dictator has become a famous phrase with the “never-Trump” crowd as November 2024 fast approaches.
The fear is that somehow the Constitution will be usurped, all your freedoms will be lost, and Orwell’s “1984” novel will be the new law of the land.
Big Brother will be watching you.
But how much power would a Trump presidency wield?
The House of Representatives
The House of Representatives consists of 435 human beings elected by their constituents.
All money bills start in the House. If Trump wants to get anything done, you only have to look at the current House under Biden.
Biden has managed to get a few bills passed out of the House. However, most of the Republican support came from those up for a tough road to reelection.
And in some cases, they had their pound of “pork” added to bills they supported to garner their vote.
Each of the 435 members of the House is up for reelection every two years, in this case, in November 2024.
In a way, that’s a form of term limits.