Did You Ever Wonder Why Everything on Late Night TV Is $19.95?

How many products have you bought on Late Night TV?

Tom Egelhoff


Image by Jan Vašek from Pixabay

Duck Dynasty, Storage Wars, Pawn Stars are some of the most popular early evening TV cable shows. But around ten o’clock or so the info babes come out.

They run the gamut of TV taste.

Weight loss programs, spectacular gadgets that you wish you had thought of, real estate courses, non-stick fry pans, solar lights, and every cleaner or glue product you can imagine.

It’s free enterprise on steroids from 10 PM to 7 AM. And only $19.95.

The Price Is Right

It seems most everything is priced at $19.95 plus shipping and handling of course.

I understand shipping but I have to pay for the person to put the item in a box. That seems a little much.

That’s not really surprising when you get the bill. The profit is usually not made on the $19.95 item.

The profit is made in the shipping and handling of the $19.95 item.

Order Now and We’ll Double the Offer

OK, I’m convinced. I really need this caulking gunk for some strange reason but wait.



Tom Egelhoff

Top Writer on Government, Entrepreneur, Radio Talk Show Host, Subscribe to my FREE Small Town Business Newsletter on Substack https://tomegelhoff.substack.com/