Human Resources? What a Degrading Description of Hard-Working People

Why not just call them “Stuff?”

Tom Egelhoff


Just a bunch of robot bodies to Human Resources — Image by David Mark from Pixabay

I was a “personnel manager” for a ten-store chain in San Diego for a time in my working career.

At that time I believe we were referred to as either personnel managers or employee managers.

The term human resource was not as commonly used then as it is now.

I was never really fond of the “human resources” title.

Define Human Resources

I’m not going to recite the dictionary definitions but will rely on the commonsense definition.

My definition of human resources? — working people.

The very term human resources is in my opinion, degrading. You might as well call them stuff.

In our zeal to be politically correct we resort to dehumanizing the very “resource” we depend on for our very livelihood.

I’m surprised someone hasn’t taken it upon themselves to eliminate “human” from the term.

Now we’re really talking politically correct. No misunderstanding the term “resources” as a stand-alone description.

No racial undertones, no skin color to worry about, religion nope, ethnicity all…



Tom Egelhoff

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