Why the Woke Movement and Political Correctness Has Killed Family Values

It’s all about how you made them feel.

Tom Egelhoff
4 min readMar 15, 2023


Photo by Kadyn Pierce on Unsplash

The American family is slowly becoming a thing of the past. Mom, Dad, and the 2.5 kids are an endangered species.

The reason, in large part, is because of woke political correctness.

The Nuclear Family Unit is Done

More people are shacking up than are living in married households for the first time in history.

There was a time when society frowned upon living together without the benefit of marriage.

The knee-jerk reaction to such a statement would usually be, “What a prude!!”

In politically correct woke parlance, that simply means it’s none of my business what other people do.

Live and let live, they say.

It is my business when the fabric of the American dream becomes frayed because someone wants to feel good about themselves at my expense.



Tom Egelhoff

Top Writer on Government, Entrepreneur, Radio Talk Show Host, Subscribe to my FREE Small Town Business Newsletter on Substack https://tomegelhoff.substack.com/