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Travel — Montana, Why not?

Yes, Montana Has Snowflakes That Can Kill You

Everything in Montana is big — Even our snow

Tom Egelhoff


Image by kewl from Pixabay

We’ve all heard the old saying, “It’s not the heat; it’s the humidity.”

As of this writing, most of the US is experiencing warmer than usual temperatures. Ninety degrees is a ho-hum temp in most parts of our nation.

Being almost a mile above sea level, and a somewhat arid climate blesses Montana with comfortably low humidity most of the time.

Regardless of the humidity, when it gets over 90 degrees in Bozeman, Montana — that’s HOT.

We love to brag about our cold temps that are far more impressive.

On more than one morning I’ve driven to my talk radio job in 25 degrees below zero temps. In 1987 many parts of Montana saw temps near 70 degrees below zero.

Screw climate change when it gets that cold, I’m warming up the gas-guzzling, planet-killing van before leaving the house.

Montana does hold the record for the world’s largest snowflake.

Guinness World Records lists a snowflake 15 inches in diameter and 8 inches thick as measured at Fort Keogh, Montana, in 1887, as the largest.



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